Our flagship system for sports leagues and organizations with medical personnel, HEADCHECK PRO is customized to your concussion protocol to help sideline personnel conduct digital baseline and post-injury assessments, ease collaborative care with medical staff, and provide protocol compliance oversight for league executives.

  • Trusted by top leagues and medical professionals
  • Streamlines all necessary testing and documentation
  • Enables control of player safety like never before
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Continuity. Insight. Control.

  • Customized to your protocol and structure
  • Create a secure electronic paper trail
  • Maintain consistency through personnel changes
  • Monitor incidents in real-time
  • Meet government health privacy standards, such as HIPAA, PIPEDA & FERPA
  • Audit and check compliance at any time

Wondering if HEADCHECK PRO is right for you? Here’s what’s included:

  • Gold-standard assessments
  • Secure results sharing
  • Customizable Return-To-Play modules
  • Dynamic alerts and notifications
  • Automated symptom checks
  • Reporting and analytics

At HEADCHECK, we're as committed to athlete safety as you are. Our services help set you up for success.

  • Comprehensive onboarding and support from our customer success team, including preloaded team rosters and help transferring player data
  • Premium baseline testing with trained medical professionals
  • Virtual HEADCHECK technology training

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Find out how HEADCHECK PRO can work for your organization.

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For Executives

01 Ready When You Are

  • Works with your organization’s existing structure and protocol
  • Concussion education and awareness materials
  • Easily integrates with your systems and software

02 Complete Protocol Visibility

  • Real-time protocol monitoring
  • Monthly reports to monitor testing activity
  • Highlights areas for improvement

03 Your Data, Your Decisions

  • Ensure all players receive medical clearance before returning to play
  • Leverage data-driven insights to elevate safety standards
  • Monitor trends organization-wide

For Medical Staff

01 Your Protocols, Your Way

  • Select your preferred tests
  • Customize to your specifications
  • Integrate with other software, like roster and EMR

02 Portable, Secure Data

  • Alerts and notifications at every step
  • Control access and meet health and personal information privacy standards
  • Available across web and all devices, including iOS and Android

03 Back To Health, Safely

  • Guide players through your organization’s protocol
  • Collaborate with appropriate access across care providers
  • Implement, monitor, and modify protocols league-wide 

For Athletic Trainers and Therapists

01 Baseline through Return-to-Play

  • Built to match your protocol
  • Replaces paper-based assessments and notes
  • Keeps you compliant with league, government, and privacy policies

02 Improved Data for Informed Decisions

  • Maintain all relevant medical and concussion history in one spot
  • Easily compare tests against previous results
  • Enhance data collection with timers and error counters

03 Focus On Care

  • Simplify communication with other care providers
  • Stay informed with alerts and notifications
  • Automate symptom check-ins with injured players

More on how HEADCHECK PRO helps you with…

Concussion Assessment

Concussion assessment is a necessary component for any sports organization to keep athletes safe. HEADCHECK offers digital concussion assessments. Modernize concussion assessments with HEADCHECK PRO. This unrivaled platform provides invaluable tools to: 

  • Medical personnel
  • Coaching staff
  • Executives

It is critical for all involved to access relevant information in a timely manner in order to make the best collaborative decisions regarding both the athlete and the team.

Baseline Assessments

You know the concussion protocol requirements for your team, league, or sport. And you understand your expertise as a medical professional or your access to medical expertise. Based on your requirements and expertise, you may choose to perform baseline assessments. Doing a digital baseline assessment early in the season can provide crucial data down the line. Baseline testing evaluates the athlete’s pre-injury brain functions, including an athlete’s:

  • Balance
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Concentration / Attention
  • Speed of problem solving

With HEADCHECK PRO in the palm of your hand, you have a powerful digital tool with the ability to:

  • Immediately access an athlete’s pre-injury baseline assessment and medical history
  • Quickly compare pre- and post-injury assessment data
  • Gain valuable insights from the data collected

Post-Injury Assessments

When an athlete sustains a head injury, it’s critical to perform a concussion assessment as quickly as possible, both on the sideline and in a quiet setting. This allows you to accurately evaluate a suspected concussion and can assist in determining if the athlete should seek additional medical care or is safe to return to play.

Post-Injury Assessment incorporates:

  • Red flag assessment, including neck pain, vomiting, double vision
  • Observable signs, such as loss of consciousness, gait difficulties, facial injuries
  • Memory assessment
  • Glasgow Coma Scale evaluation
  • Cervical spine assessment
  • Symptom evaluation
  • Cognitive screening 
  • Neurological screening
  • Balance examination

Concussion Return to Play Protocol

When off-field personnel can collaborate on an athlete’s progress, the team’s return-to-play protocol can be easily followed and understood by everyone involved. Harness the power of teamwork behind the scenes to enact a return-to-play protocol following a suspected concussion.

Using HEADCHECK PRO’s centralized concussion return-to-play protocol module means:

  • Assessments are accessible to medical personnel
  • Medical personnel can ease collaborative efforts within the platform
  • Medical staff have the ability to communicate seamlessly

This empowers the right decisions to be made. Allow the athlete to heal, reduce the risk of reinjury, and have players return confidently, all while keeping the coaching staff and front office well-informed. HEADCHECK PRO’s centralized concussion return-to-play protocol module allows team medical personnel to make necessary adjustments and decisions for the benefit of the athlete.

Let's Talk

Find out how HEADCHECK PRO can work for your organization.

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