HEADCHECK HUB helps those trained and experienced in concussion management conduct best-practice assessments, deliver personalized treatment plans, and manage patients throughout recovery.

  • Provide more effective outreach
  • Mitigate risk and address liability concerns
  • Help more patients return to learn, return to work, return to play
Let’s Get Started

Optimize Your Care

  • Conduct assessments anywhere, any time with an app
  • Document, track and follow plans of care based on your expertise
  • Simplify collaboration among multiple medical providers with access and notifications
  • Engage patients and guardians through their own accounts
  • Meet government health privacy standards, such as HIPAA, PIPEDA & FERPA
  • And provide local schools and teams with the HEADCHECK MANAGER app to report injuries directly back to your clinic when you can’t have someone on site

Clinics Help More Patients

01 Ready When You Are

  • Intuitive, user-friendly app and web platform designed for clinicians
  • Training videos and support get you going
  • Pay-as-you-go for profiles and users

02 Optimize Your Practice

  • Worry-free electronic record management
  • Can connect and integrate with other systems and software
  • Spend less time on paperwork, leaving more time to focus on patients

03 Elevate Your Tech

  • Use the system trusted by hundreds of organizations and thousands of athletes
  • Provide your staff with the tools they want
  • Contribute to portable concussion history for patients

Everything Healthcare Professionals Need

01 Baseline through Return-to-Play

  • Built to enhance your procedures
  • Replaces paper-based assessments and notes
  • Keeps you compliant with league, government, and privacy policies

02 Improved Data for Informed Decisions

  • Maintain all relevant medical and concussion history in one spot
  • Easily compare post-injury test results
  • Enhance the quality and usability of data collected

03 Focus On Care

  • Simplify communication with other care providers
  • Receive alerts when injuries occur and when action is required
  • Automate symptom check-ins with injured patients

Patients Stay Connected

01 Baseline through Return-to-Play

  • Centralize your data and care through your local clinic
  • Enable crucial multi-disciplinary concussion care
  • Streamline communication among care providers

02 Portable Health Records

  • Compatible system used by local teams and organizations
  • Share results with your doctor, securely
  • Access your records when you need them

03 Your Data, Protected

  • HIPAA-compliant system
  • Encrypted and secure data
  • Accessible only by authorized healthcare professionals

Wondering if HEADCHECK HUB is right for you? Here’s what’s included:

  • Quickly review all patient information
  • Perform assessments and add SOAP notes, even offline
  • Securely share information and test results
  • Manage every stage of recovery
  • Automate home self-assessments through email or a personalized login
  • Add-ons, integrations, and support available to keep you best-in-class

More on how HEADCHECK HUB helps you with…

Concussion Management

Managing a patient’s concussion is a collaborative task involving medical professionals across the team, the school or employer, as well as the patient and/or guardian. With HEADCHECK HUB, completing the tasks associated with concussion management is easier than ever. Ultimately, it allows you to spend more time with your patient. In the palm of your hands, you can:

  • Conduct post-injury assessments
  • Customize a treatment plan
  • Coordinate with other physicians, therapists and trainers
  • Collaborate with the team and coaching staff
  • Establish return-to-learn plans with the school
  • Communicate the return-to-work protocol
  • Evaluate the athlete for return-to-play
  • Stay in touch with the athlete or guardian regarding ongoing progress
  • Protect the patient’s privacy


How to Manage a Concussion

Managing a concussion isn’t quite as cut and dry as treating other injuries, like strains, sprains, or even breaks or injuries requiring stitches. The brain behaves differently from patient to patient and even from injury to injury. The grade or severity of the concussion will influence the required medical care and management protocol enacted. Concussion management guidelines should be established on a case-by-case basis by a trained and licensed medical professional. A common concussion management protocol may include:(1)

  • Rest for the body.
  • Rest for the brain (reducing thinking, screens, reading, and more).
  • Slowly reintroducing activity.
  • Evaluating how the athlete responds to increased activity.
  • Slowly reintroducing thinking.
  • Evaluating the athlete’s response to active brain exercises.
  • Creating return to learn, return to work, and return to play protocols.

How to Manage Concussion Symptoms

The evaluation of an individual for a suspected concussion includes observed signs as well as self-reported symptoms. Not all concussions cause the same reported symptoms, but there are some common ones. Pay attention to the patient-reported symptoms, as well as the signs and symptoms reported by a parent, guardian, or coach. Many of these can be managed to help reduce the severity and improve comfort. Frequent symptoms associated with concussions include:(2)

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling “not right”
  • Change in personality

Some of these symptoms can be treated. On a case-by-case basis, as appropriate, encourage the concussed athlete to:(1)

  • Treat headaches and pain with acetaminophen, not a pain reliever that could also act as a blood thinner.
  • Reduce light and sound; sleep as needed.
  • Drink proper fluids to remain hydrated.
  • Stop driving until they are medically cleared, especially if they have experienced dizziness.
  • Continue to coordinate with their medical care team and seek medical attention for new or ongoing symptoms.

Partner with the patient, their family, their team, and other medical professionals to provide the best in concussion management and care.


  1. “Recovery from Concussion.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12 Feb. 2019, https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_recovery.html
  2. “Concussion Signs and Symptoms.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12 Feb. 2019, https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_symptoms.html. 

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