Case Studies

KMHA More Easily Manages Player Health and Safety with HEADCHECK


Explore how HEADCHECK enabled the Kamloops Minor Hockey Association to document injuries, protect 1,000+ players, and enhance compliance with safety standards.


  • Protected over 1,000 players from mismanaged injury risks
  • Improved compliance to the governing body’s safety standards each season
  • Users are 3 times more likely to properly document an injury or incident using the HEADCHECK app

The Kamloops Minor Hockey Association (KMHA), British Columbia’s largest Minor Hockey Association, currently serving more than 1,000 members through diverse programs, faced significant challenges with managing player health and safety information, which jeopardized their ability to adhere to safety protocols and ensure the well-being of their players. The association relied on status-quo methods such as paper records, education links, email, and phone calls, leading to a lack of information accessibility, poor protocol adherence visibility, and confusion among volunteers, parents, and coaches regarding injury response.

According to Serena Reves, KMHA’s Risk Manager, “At the end of the season, safety people just didn’t know what to do with [the challenge of managing player health and safety information]. I think there were some tracking pieces that were kind of missing.”

Challenges Faced

KMHA encountered several issues before implementing HEADCHECK. Safety information was not readily available to the appropriate personnel when needed, resulting in potential risks to players. Volunteers and staff responsible for safety lacked a streamlined reporting system, making it challenging to monitor adherence to health and safety protocols. Moreover, the association experienced annual staff and safety priority changes, contributing to inconsistencies in adherence to safety standards.

Specifically, the KMHA Executive Team identified that staff turnover and varying priorities each year contributed to challenges managing player health and safety information. When a new Risk Manager joins, they might introduce different safety procedures or emphasize certain standards. This lack of continuity resulted in communication gaps and increased difficulty for staff members responsible for following these standards.

Seeking A Solution

To address the pressing issues related to player health and safety, KMHA decided to search for a comprehensive solution that would address their key objectives:

  1. Aligning Safety Expectations: KMHA recognized the importance of aligning every team’s staff expectations on player safety to comply with the safety standards set by the governing body, Hockey Canada. The effectiveness of concussion and injury protocols relies on consistent adherence. It was imperative to provide team staff with clear and well-defined responsibilities to ensure these protocols were followed diligently.
  2. Information Transparency: From the perspective of parents, KMHA understood the critical need for maintaining transparency regarding player safety. Parents sought reassurance about the safety guidelines that the association adhered to, the individuals responsible for implementing these guidelines, and the concrete actions taken to safeguard their children during every practice and game. By fostering transparency, parents could develop a greater sense of confidence in enrolling their children in hockey programs offered by the association.
  3. Time Saving: As an organization primarily run by volunteers and parents who do not work in hockey as a full-time job, KMHA recognized the significance of time-saving measures. Following safety procedures and protocols demanded considerable time and effort, potentially diverting attention away from the children and the sport itself. KMHA sought a solution that would streamline administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time that could be better utilized in supporting the players and enhancing their hockey experience.

To address these pressing needs, KMHA undertook a diligent search for an appropriate solution. After evaluating various options, the association identified a promising candidate: the HEADCHECK Manager injury management program.

Enter HEADCHECK Manager at KMHA

After conducting a thorough review of the HEADCHECK Manager Program and recognizing its potential benefits, KMHA decided to adopt the solution for over 1,000 players. The association integrated HEADCHECK Manager to achieve three primary objectives: training staff on their roles in concussion and injury protocols, reporting injuries through the HEADCHECK app, and managing the crucial medical clearance process for concussions.

Key Benefits

  1. Streamlined Protocol Adherence and Compliance Monitoring: The most significant benefit observed by KMHA was HEADCHECK’s ability to streamline injury reporting and medical clearance, resolving the challenges associated with managing player health and safety information and maintaining safety standards. With the player’s information and incident reports automatically linked to their profile, KMHA eliminated the need for vulnerable and disorganized paper records. Approved association staff could now easily monitor their players’ health status and ensure compliance with governing body protocols, eradicating information silos. This centralized approach empowered Risk Manager Serena and other stakeholders to meet safety expectations efficiently. Serena was able to monitor the entire association through simple dashboards and reports, enabling her to address any potential areas of concern.
  2. Timely Customer Service and Training: KMHA acknowledged the importance of keeping procedures simple and providing timely support, especially for parents and volunteers involved in player safety. Overcoming the learning curve associated with adopting a new technology like HEADCHECK was essential to ensure maximum value from the system. Within two seasons, incident documentation increased by an impressive 300%, partly attributed to the outstanding Customer Success Team at HEADCHECK, always available to assist and support.
  3. Excellent Portability and Flexibility: The availability of HEADCHECK Manager as a mobile app proved highly convenient for KMHA’s volunteers and staff, who often faced challenges in creating, maintaining, and storing safety information. The app allowed them to access all necessary information and initiate injury management protocols quickly, enhancing the overall safety environment. The secure storage of records and controlled access ensured data privacy and minimized the risk of human errors. Moreover, the automatic notifications of player status updates saved time for staff and kept all stakeholders informed.

“After the second season [we began to see improvements]. This was directly due to the supported roll out, specifically the training sessions offered in partnership with HEADCHECK personnel, KMHA staff and the Risk Management Director, as well as ongoing and easily accessible customer service from the HEADCHECK team. This [service] makes the safety people, and even parents or guardians feel supported,” Serena added.

Overall Impact

By adopting HEADCHECK Manager, KMHA effectively addressed its challenges managing player health and safety information. The association efficiently maintained safety procedures, even with staff or procedure changes, through streamlined safety and injury information in one comprehensive system. As staff and volunteers become more familiar with the program, KMHA anticipates continued time savings throughout the organization, making the implementation of HEADCHECK increasingly effective over time.

“An increase in familiarity with the program means it is better implemented the longer the association uses this product,” Serena said.

Beneficiaries of HEADCHECK Manager

Ultimately, it’s always for the players, right? That’s why we have this program,” said Serena.

For KMHA, the ultimate beneficiaries of HEADCHECK Manager are the players themselves. Ensuring player safety throughout the season remains a top priority, and the association’s commitment to this goal is reflected in their adoption of the program.

Furthermore, HEADCHECK simplifies processes and proves to be a low-hanging fruit in demonstrating value to parents and volunteers. This simplicity is particularly crucial for associations like KMHA, where many first-time volunteers are tasked with ensuring compliance with player safety standards. Simplifying the process encourages successful execution of HEADCHECK and adherence to safety guidelines, ultimately contributing to the well-being of every player involved.

KMHA Executive Director Zac Carnelly observed, “You want to make it simple for everybody because everyone is a volunteer. Everyone’s busy and making it as simple as possible is how we’re gonna get the execution [of safety guidelines].”


The successful adoption of HEADCHECK Manager has transformed player safety at KMHA, offering protection to over 1,000 members from the risks of mismanaged injuries. Serena, Zac, and Dawn firmly believe that the association bears a crucial duty of care in ensuring each player’s safety on the ice. By implementing HEADCHECK, KMHA effectively maintains the necessary procedures and information to meet the safety standards set by the governing body, fostering a collective effort among volunteers and staff in fulfilling this duty of care. Notably, the system’s streamlined information has significantly reduced the time spent on administrative tasks, enabling KMHA to prioritize other critical aspects and deliver the best possible hockey experience for the Kamloops community. By embracing innovative solutions like HEADCHECK Manager, KMHA sets a high standard for youth sports safety, reinforcing their reputation as a responsible and safety-conscious organization.

About Kamloops Minor Hockey Association

Kamloops Minor Hockey Association (KMHA), British Columbia’s largest Minor Hockey Association and home to 70 ice and spring hockey teams, are well-known for providing a safe, fun, and diverse environment for hockey players of all ages. The association now serves over 1,000 members with various programs. In-house recreation and travel representation teams are also available, with members ranging from 4 to 19 years old. KMHA’s mission is to encourage teamwork, positive development, and leadership in youth through well-designed competitive hockey programs, open-minded culture, and risk-free sports settings. 

Zac Carnelley – Former minor hockey player, coach, teacher, hockey parent, and now senior management, Zac is entering his first year as the Executive Director of KMHA. He enjoys teaching and coaching while supporting youth players in their sports development.

Serena Reves – Serena started as a hockey parent 10 years ago and joined the board of directors of KMHA in 2021. She is now taking charge of the association’s risk management. Having been a teacher, Serena understands the academic struggles kids can face, and is happy to see them build confidence through teamwork and enjoy hockey.

Dawn Woodland – Dawn also started as a hockey parent and is now the administrator and registrar of KMHA. The healthy team atmosphere and the positive impact of getting kids involved in physical activities are what motivate her to work in this industry. 

Interested in how HEADCHECK can help your organization achieve the same results? Contact us today!

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