
How A Digital Solution Improves Concussion Management


Concussion management is an issue at the forefront of all competitive sports leagues, teams, and organizations. Addressing the issue begins with having a concussion protocol in place that establishes guidelines for concussion diagnosis and management. While the specifics of a concussion protocol may vary quite a bit depending on the sport, the organization, and the resources available, the goal should always be to ensure athletes who exhibit the signs and symptoms of a concussion are removed from play and are guided back to a safe return to learn or play.

It might sound straightforward on paper, but successful concussion management often involves many individuals inside and outside an organization including administrators, coaches, athletic trainers or therapists, safety officers, risk managers, physicians, clinicians, parents, and athletes. There are several areas where implementing a digital solution can improve the concussion management within an organization.

Improves Testing Procedures: The usage of software, such as a mobile app, can improve the efficiency and accuracy of testing. It also eliminates the need for manual data entry into a system later. All test information can be digitally time-stamped and recorded on an athlete’s profile. Built-in features such as timers and counters on the app create more reliable results and are recommended by research.

Fits Your Requirements: A large organization such as a university or association will often have different requirements for different sports or levels of play. Requirements can also change from sport to sport.  Using a flexible platform will support whichever tests your concussion protocol requires.

Enables Data-Driven Decisions: Digital solutions that store an athlete’s concussion test history provides qualified medical professionals with more information to make key decisions based on evidence. For example, if an athlete has a baseline assessment in their test history, an instant comparison of post-injury and baseline could be shown to highlight any deviations.

Digitizes Documentation: Paper-based tests are often misplaced, lost or completed with no proof when they were conducted or by whom. Further, the storage of this information should meet Health Privacy standards, but the standards are hard to implement and protect. Having test information recorded in one secure, centralized digital system serves to protects the athlete and the organization.

Simplifies Flow of Information: A digital system allows the appropriate individuals in the athlete’s circle of care to have authorized access to information they need to give the best care possible. To improve concussion care, test results should follow the athlete wherever needed. This means from sport to sport, sport to clinic, sport to doctor, and doctor to sport.

Scales to Your Organization: The best digital solutions serve the small and the large organizations. With larger organizations, there are more athletes that need to be tested and more people who are involved in the testing process. A digital solution enables quick survey and patient(athlete) management process for organizations with hundreds of athletes letting you identify the gaps in service you provide. Plus, with so many people involved, it is natural to have turnover and so having a digital platform in place can ease the transition process.

Reduces Risk: A digital solution can make it simple to see who is concussed, who still needs baselines assessments, and who requires medical clearance. It’s vital that athletes are not allowed to return-to-play before they have received the proper medical clearance.

Enhances Protocol: Finally, one of the greatest benefits of a digital solution is the ability to make use of data analytics tools specific to your organization. Analytics allow administrators to see areas where they might be able to improve testing procedures or athlete health and safety standards.

Learn more about how simple it is to get your organization started on HEADCHECK’s digital protocol solutions. 

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